Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Religious Views on War Essay

1. To complete this Graded Assignment, retrieve the Religious Views on War DBQ. Use this document with its essay instructions and the DBQ Checklist to complete this DBQ essay. Please consult the rubric throughout the process. Using the documents, compare the views of major world religions on war. What additional kind of document(s) would you need to compare the views of major world religions on war? Essay: Three major world religons have their roots in India: Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Buddhism and Sikhism both grew from Hinduism. All three share the idea of non-violence (ahimsa). The term ‘non-violence’ was actually coined in English (about 1920) by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948) as a direct translation of ‘ahimsa’, ‘avoiding harm to others’. The idea of non-violence was very important to Mahatma Gandhi’s thinking and actions as a Hindu leader during India’s approach to independence in 1947. He wrote: ‘I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent Hinduism is perhaps the oldest world religion; in some of its writings ahimsa has been considered the highest duty from the beginning of time. Jainism also grew out of Hinduism; Jainists believe that people should strive to become detached from the distractions of worldly existence; and that the practice of ahimsa is an essential step on the way to personal salvation Buddhism developed from the teaching of Siddhartha Gautama, called the Buddha (c.563 – 483 BC), who believed that human suffering could be overcome by following a particular way of life. The first precept of Buddhism is ‘non-harming’ (ahimsa): Buddhists reject violence. Buddhism is clearly pacifist in its teaching, and many Buddhists say quite bluntly that it is ‘better to be killed than to kill’. Some Buddhists have been very active in promoting peace, particularly during the Vietnam War (1961- 1975), when they  offered a ‘Third Way’ of reconciliation between the American and Communist armies. Some Buddhist monks burned themselves to death in self-sacrificing protest against the war. In the Guru’s house, religion and worldly enjoyment should be combined – the cooking pot to feed the poor and needy and the sword to hit oppressors.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Medicine in Colonial America

Medicine in Colonial America was much different from today, but gave us a lot of insight in the human body’s needs. Due to lack of education, experience, proper tools, and hygiene, many patients died. However, there were also many people who were saved through the medical procedures and lived full and healthy lives. Few doctors in Colonial America actually received a formal education through a medical school, because there was really only one school: the Pennsylvania Hospital (Rorke, n. d. ). This program was far too expensive and for some located too far away, thus they could not attend.Furthermore, because of the lack of complete knowledge, these schools would not have provided any more information than one would obtain by learning from another doctor, which in most cases would be a much cheaper education, thus, most doctors learned through apprenticeships. They had to complete a 7 year apprenticeship before being considered a doctor. Of course there were Quacks, or citizens who pretended to have medical knowledge just to make a profit. Moreover, there were female medical practitioners, called midwives.They received no formal education and learned through apprenticeships as well. They birthed children and cared for the ill that could not afford a doctor’s care, or lived too far from a medical facility. When not even a midwife was available to treat a patient, the women of the households were responsible for the family health. Another group that provided medical care was Catholic monks who came over from Europe and brought along their wisdom of operating techniques, healing herbs and essential oils. These monks had a special way of numbing their patients with a plant called henbane.Their patients overcame the operations more quickly while less of them died in contrast to using barbaric operation and healing techniques that many colonial doctors were using. Today, we have many medical schools that are still very expensive and vigorous, but provide a more well-rounded education. Just like the doctors of Colonial America, doctors today undergo a sort of required apprenticeship after medical school, called a residency, which, for a surgeon ranges from five to eight years, depending on their specialty.Midwives are still available, but usually take care of pregnancies. Today, midwives must go through special training to become either a CNM- certified nurse midwife, or a CM- certified midwife. There have been great advances in medical procedures since the late 1700’s. For example, according to Rorke (n. d. ) to amputate a limb, doctors in colonial times would first numb the patients’ pain by intoxicating them with brandy or rum and have them bite on a wooden stick.Then, the medical team would hold them down on the table, while the doctor tied a leather tourniquet around the patients’ limb. The surgeon would start to cut through the flesh with his amputation knife and then saw through the bone itself using an a mputation saw. Subsequently, the bone shavings were removed by pouring whiskey or just plain water over the wound. Conversely, the remaining limb was burned with a hot iron to close the blood vessels and veins. They could then wrap the stump with pure cotton bandages and let it heal. Only approximately 35% of patients survived this procedure!The procedure itself sounds cruel, but the patients’ lives might have been at risk if it had not taken place, such as the rotting of the flesh, or blood poisoning, caused by an accident, or being shot with a bullet or poisoned arrow. Another example would be dentistry. Most colonists had awful teeth, because they did not have toothbrushes and toothpaste. Thus, teeth needed to be pulled. Because there are no anesthetics, having your teeth pulled was a very painful process. The dentist would hold the patient down on a chair and yank the tooth out using a pair of everyday pliers.Once again, there were many quacks in this field that would pul l good teeth from patients and sell them to people who wanted real-tooth dentures. Moreover, in 2009, archeological teams found human remains where someone, presumably a doctor, had drilled three holes into the skull. This may have been done to relieve the skull of pressure caused by a blow to the head. Archeologists believe that this could have been the first attempt at brain surgery and may have planted the seed for today’s brain surgery procedures (CBSnews. com, 11 Feb. 2009).Hermann Boerhaave’s theory of wellbeing was that a person has four humors: bile, phlegm, blood and urine. If these humors were imbalanced, a person would become ill. To make him or her feel better, you must balance the humors (Brinkley, 2004). According to Rorke, â€Å"one must sweeten acids, purify the stomach, and rid impurities by bleeding and purging† or by using leeches to increase blood production, to balance these again. Most doctors actually let patients bleed out, because their â€Å"humors† were not balanced, whereas midwives prescribed laxatives to remove bile.Furthermore, Boerhaave believed that a â€Å"fever was the body’s attempt to keep from dying,† even though we now know that it is actually the body’s response to killing whatever is making the body sick. Although this sounds absurd when considering our knowledge with today’s medicine, many doctors and midwives used this theory to aid the ill and actually succeeded in some cases. Hygiene was the one major contribution to nosocomial, or hospital obtained, infections. Because doctors in the colonial times did not know about bacteria, viruses, and contagious diseases, they did not clean the equipment or even their hands.Today, doctors and surgical staffs take extra care to clean everything. Surgeons take an average of five minutes to wash, scrub, and sanitize hands, whereas surgeons in colonial times took an average of zero seconds. Doctors would not even wash their h ands when rotating between patients. As discussed in class, doctors would go from a person with a severe flu to a woman giving birth without washing their hands. This could not only sicken the woman, but also make the child ill. The death rate of women suffering from Puerperal fever was extremely high.This fever is caused by a bacterial infection from unsterile equipment and conditions during childbirth, and the woman’s body not being able to rid the toxins from childbirth fast enough. This could ultimately lead to death. One cannot stress the importance of hand washing and personal hygiene enough! Obviously, or at least it is obvious today, one must clean any equipment that touched a person, even if it’s just a stethoscope. Disease could spread from such an object to another person causing them to become ill as well. Scalpels, saws, drills, anything that goes into a person, must be sanitized.Today, hospitals heat the instruments so that almost all of the bacteria die, and then they soak them in an antibacterial solution to ensure there are no harmful things on them. Furthermore, some hospitals send the tools to be sanitized to a company that sanitizes them for the hospital. This cuts back on hours cleaning and provides security that the equipment is safe and clean, resulting in happy patients and staff. I believe today’s health care is mostly based around customer service. You want to make sure the patient is happy, healthy, and satisfied with your performance.The patient even has a choice to live or die by signing a DNR- do not resuscitate- form. In colonial America, however, the doctor really did not care if you enjoyed their service or not, they were trying to help you in the long run. Doctors also had more freedom to refuse treatment than they do today. In some ways I would like our health care to be like that of colonial America in regards to customer service, because there are so many people going to the emergency room who have a mi ld cold and hold up the patients who are in critical condition and really need to be seen as soon as possible.I am indifferent to DNR’s. I believe a person must be in critical condition, such as terminal cancer, to be eligible to sign this form. As previously mentioned, medicine has evolved tremendously between colonial America and now. It is still ever-changing, because we find a cure to diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. Doctors can achieve great things, but only with the help of education, experience, sterile tools, and personal hygiene.

Importance of awareness of the security knowledge

This assignment attempts to show the importance of awareness of the security knowledge that will make us more aware about threats like escrow services fraud, spasms and spoofing. There's statistics demonstrates the recent trends of these types of threats that people usually face in the Internet. The impacts mostly negative and sometimes there are big losses. The research studies the potential of cybernetics's to increase loss, scams and spoofing, both locally and worldwide. Social networking sites turned to be at the top of the targets for attackers.Rafter said (201 1), these social network sites are like a treasure trove of prized information for cybernetics's. The reason why they're focusing on social network sites Is because It has million's of users which means a lot of fraud opportunities. In such a popular open software applications, it'll be easier for the hackers to reach and access personal information. One of the newest types of scams is email spoofing. Rafter defined email spoof as fake email messages, that looks Like it's a friend request.It comes with attached file as picture of the account asking for a request. These sorts of emails must carry some type of virus, for example a Trojan horse that tells password and other Important Information; It works If the receiver clicks on the attachment. Pushing campaign means, when the email Is demonstrating a page that's shows the login pages of any social network site in the content of the email. In addition, its fake, and any private information that entered in this page such as password is directly transferred to the hacker.In Youth scam, spammed create fake Youth accounts, and send requests to others Youth users through email asking them to see their profiles. For sure, if someone went to the link Its going to transfer them to he spammed website (Rafter. 2011). In the Gulf countries 25 percent of tablet users and 20 per cent of smartened owners received mails monthly with suspicious links. Also, 13 perce nt of mobile users had received letters from banks or social network sites. Statistics shows that 62% Of Emirates cannot Identify the Pushing Message (Bubbler, 2012).According to Speakeasy, about 35% of the PC's in the Gulf countries have been infected because the users opens any attachment in their e-mail, and 14 % of people entered their personal Information or financial Information In suspicious pages. Internet due to its publicity has been attracting fraudsters whose goals are embezzling users funds by using fake painful scenarios (Palfrey, et. Al, 2010). Owed to the fast respond from the users in the Internet, a fraudster could post fake and false Information or a story to gain money from people.Some of the well-known conducts include big donations under the name of poor country in Africa somewhere people are facing famines and starve to death. Fraudsters display videos and photos that users to donate finances for those poor countries. Unluckily, the fund doesn't go to the poor countries but to the cybernetics's pocket. This was the most common cybercafà © in the United Arab Emirates, which involve money fraud and extortion (Grab, 2014). According to official statistics in ABA Dhabi, â€Å"in 2011, 588 cases of cybercafà ©s were reported, while 792 cases were reported in 2012.The number of cases almost doubled to 1,419 in 2013†³ (Grab, 2014). Many local users have faced these kind of crimes, however according to Gun]obi (2011) Charity scams have been spreading between emirates users. Junior added (2011) these scampers goal is taking advantage of the locals kindness and their lack of awareness in the Internet field (Junior, 2011). According to Sultan AAA-Tamil, (201 1), Social networks sites have a huge number of users, thus, it will make a good fund from collecting money and donations to the victims.He said, there was a hash tag in twitter known by Dissocialized) that collect donations for the losses, they collect more than 70,000 SIR. The problem was that they weren't certain sure if these donations went to the victims and there families or not. An expert in ASK warned whoever wants to donate; they have to contribute with their money in a well-known donation organization to avoid sending their funds to an unknown organization that loud be a Fraudsters. He added, users in the Internet must look wisely into the online donations appeals even if they sound reliable, Just to avoid scampers.Many individuals felt that there should be authorized organizations to collect donations from social networks users to gain more aid for poor people to make sure that the money goes to those who really need it.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Problem solving skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Problem solving skills - Essay Example The math trial is to be done by students who will be divided into two groups to promote team work among them. The maths trail will have four stops of 6 minutes each so that the pupils get to answer questions and do not have much time to lose concentration, (Ollerton, 2007). Questions to be asked would be: are all the chimes in the park of the same length? Do they make the same sound? How is the length of the chime and pitch of the tone related? They will be determining the period. One pupil will sit on the swing, the second will count the number of 10 back and forth swings and divide by ten. This is to be repeated using different distances. Does this affect period? Other swings with different lengths of chains are also to be tried with the same experiment to determine if the length of the chain affect period of the swing. The last questions will be counting the number of trees that are in the resting place, measuring and comparing their diameters too. The first stop will be at the chimes. Chimes are fascinating due to the beautiful musical motes they make. Some need to be stricken by a stick to make sounds. This exercise will help pupils in learning to explore and observe, (Morgan, 2006). The second stop would be at the slides. Slides usually provide a lot of fun to both adults and children. Some are usually steeper than others. The third stop will be at the swings. Swings provide a feeling of relaxing when playing on it. This will require pupils to help each other. Three will volunteer to dot is as others watch and help in observation. The last stop will be in a protected open field that has a few trees and shrubs. This will help pupils in developing observational skills, estimation, measuring and content knowledge, (Ollerton, 2007). In conclusion, math trials offer huge learning experiences at all ages easily. Math trials can be organized to address specific topics or just help the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Critically discuss the extent to which the defence of loss of control Essay

Critically discuss the extent to which the defence of loss of control in the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 compares to the defence of provocation - Essay Example 2 This was supplanted by the defence of loss of control that had been induced by a triggering event, under the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. 3 The principal changes effected by the new act are; absence of a requirement for the loss of control to be abrupt; exclusion of sexual infidelity as a qualifying trigger; requiring a qualifying trigger to pertain to fear of violence from the deceased or to things said or done. 4 With regard to triggers that are based on things said or done, the requirements are that the extenuating circumstances should be very grave in character, and these circumstances should have justifiably made the defendant believe that he been wronged. In the event of such fear having been incited by the defendant, then it is to be ignored. 5 The Coroners and Justice Act 2009 specifies that loss of control has to be on the basis of one of the qualifying triggers, if the defence is to be successful. These are loss of self – control that can be attributed to a fear of serious violence, as provided under section 55(3); or on account of circumstances of an extremely serious nature, which result in a justifiable sense of having been wronged. The latter qualifying trigger has been provided under section 55(4)(a) and 55(4)(b) of the Act. 6 The difficulty associated with the provisions of this Act is that a defence wherein the defendant has probably acted out of danger is placed in the same category as a defence attributed to fear. However, there is some improvement, as the law has now come to recognise that loss of self – control can be occasioned by emotions other than rage.7 This is of great benefit to battered women who kill or grievously injure their tormentor. Under the provisions of the Homicide Act 1957, the defendant should have experienced a loss of self – control. The 2009 Act has clarified that loss of self – control was not required to be spontaneous. However, the presence of the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Week1CR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week1CR - Essay Example In the global market, today, a number of corporations are working hard to ensure that their customers are loyal to their brand. One of the companies is the Apple Company that moves with the latest trends in the technology world by investing heavily in research and development of products, which satisfies the needs of their customers in the global market (Iyler & Bejou, 2003). Wal-Mart stores, which are establishing in different countries in the world ensure that they have as many products as possible less than one roof. This enables the customers to shop in one location. To ensure that they are loyal to the Wal-Mart, they award their customers reward points that can be redeemed to buy different products in the stores. This enables them to build long-term relationships with all their customers due to this engagement throughout the year. Consumer loyalty however depends on the kind of services and efficiency of the brand to the

Friday, July 26, 2019

International Terrorism as a Threat to the United Kingdom Essay

International Terrorism as a Threat to the United Kingdom - Essay Example Terrorist activities are now monitored very closely, and a significant improvement can be observed in the international cooperation of different countries for the sake of international security and safety. In midst of such opposition of international terrorism, terrorists are still at large and supported by different countries in the world. In the result, a number of countries are posing threats due to their involvement in War on Terror, and this paper will specifically discuss some of the significant aspects of international terrorism that have created threats for the United Kingdom. In brief, probabilities and possibilities of a terrorist attack are broadly identified by the creation of threat levels, and such creation is done by consideration of different factors that will be discussed in this paper briefly to understand the range of threat that is presently being posed by the United Kingdom from international terrorism. At present, a number of studies, and reports have indicated that severe threat is being posed by the United Kingdom from the international terrorists, and one of the major reasons of such threat is its closest relationship with the United States, which has been leading the combat against the terrorists in different parts of the globe. Briefly, available intelligence is one of the rare, but imperative factors that decide the extent of the threat. It is observed that fragment information is used by the experts to make their judgments related to such threats.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Genetic drift Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Genetic drift - Research Proposal Example But it is not quite easy to confirm the exact path an evolutionary process would take. One way of tracing evolutionary history of an organism would be to trace it by examining available fossils but their availability in an exact chronological sequence is also a very big question mark. Further, there is absolutely no guarantee that fossils would be discovered in exactly the same chronological order in which they had formed as new fossils keep being discovered every year. There is intense desire to know how human species has developed and study of fossils have, though provided important insights, are still not a complete and comprehensive record of our evolution as a specie. Dating of objects found in burial sites have helped us to get a glimpse of our evolution so also study of cultures in different ages but extinction of our close evolutionary relatives prevent us from unambiguously visualizing our evolutionary process. Research Question In spite of the fact that humans exhibit genet ic diversity and mutations through generations, does our inability to categorically chart our evolutionary process give us the right to believe that we are not subject to the laws of evolution? Reference Enger, Eldon D., Frederick C. Ross, and David B. Bailey. Concepts in Biology. Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A Concept of Citizenship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Concept of Citizenship - Essay Example What is citizenship? A citizen is an integral participant of the social life. A political community consists of citizens, whose participation is directed on the state’s welfare. Citizens gain benefits from their nation and thus they have to follow laws and regulations of their country. There are many aspects in the concept of citizenship. On the one hand, citizenship is a benefit, which enables citizens to vote or to receive insurance etc. On the other hand, citizenship is a hard work, which introduces obligatory involuntarily actions, obtruded by the government on its citizens.  Ã‚  For example, citizens have to pay taxes, work in favor of the country, to get secondary education and many other obligations are invented by the state and must be followed by the citizens. Citizenship is a great responsibility. It is a hard work and every citizen should remember of his daily obligations, dictated to him by the state. There is no welfare of the country without daily obligations c ompleted by the citizens. Thus, it is evident that citizenship is an integral part of the country. It is a trigger of the state’s functioning. We can summarize that there is no way out from this scope of duties. Nevertheless, it should be noted that not all people living in the state are citizens.

Spanish Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Spanish - Essay Example Ellen y yo aprendimos espaol varios aos antes de casarnos. Nos conocimos en la Universidad Columbia. Ellen se gradu como psicloga y yo me gradu como traductor. Desde que nos mudamos a Santo Domingo conseguimos trabajo como profesores de ingls como segundo idioma en el Instituto Cultural Domnico-Americano. Al mismo tiempo mi esposa da clases de Psicologa en la Universidad Autnoma de Santo Domingo y yo trabajo como traductor en el Internet y tengo varios clientes en el rea de los negocios de bienes races. Nuestro hijo se llama Paul y estudia en el Colegio del Instituto Cultural Domnico-Americano. A todos nos gusta vivir aqu porque la vida en este pas es ms tranquila que en Nueva York. No vivimos con tanta prisa como se vive en Nueva York y nuestros salarios nos permiten vivir cmodamente. Adems de la gente nos gusta mucho el clima. Podemos decir que casi siempre es primavera, pero en verdad es como el verano casi todo el tiempo. No es un calor hmedo como en Nueva York. Es un calor diferente y vestimos ropa casual todo el tiempo. Tengo 5 pies y 6 pulgadas. Mi cabello es negro. Mis ojos son tambin negros. Tengo una personalidad extrovertida y me gusta compartir con la gente sobre temas espirituales. Dios es el centro de mi vida y mi esposa tambin confa mucho en Dios. Por eso nos llevamos tan bien.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

PERFORMANCE APPRASIAL AT KFSH&RC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

PERFORMANCE APPRASIAL AT KFSH&RC - Essay Example Feedback process 23 1. Importance of feedback 23 2. The re-engineering process of the Human Resource Department 24 3. Results of survey 26 4. Discussion 33 5. Conclusion 35 6. References 38 Executive Summary This dissertation comes in two parts. Chapter 1 reviews whether there is a need to change or update the existing performance appraisal being used by the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre. Under the present environment of technological and communication advances, there are many changes noted in the use of the traditional system. The study also shows that the PAS of the KFSH&RC is not consistent with the social and cultural idioms of the hospital as it is patterned after the American environment which is totally different from that of Saudi Arabia. Data gathering from published literatures, studies and opinions of noted authors is done to amplify the recommendation and conclusion that an update is needed under the circumstances In chapter II of the study, the reco mmendation in part I has been followed so that the design of the Human Resources at King Faisal Hospital Science & Research Center is being re-engineered by the management. A memorandum to this effect has been sent by the Human Resources Department to all managers and supervisors to take part on the exercise, training and proper information. As one of the basis for the re-engineered design, a feedback information is desired by management to complete the structure of its design plan. Knowing what the personnel feels will equip them with the knowledge of what is really going on inside the organization and what is really needed and thus be able to correct deficiencies in the system. To gain insight of the personnel’s perception on the performance appraisal and also to find out the needs of personnel on training and development, a survey was conducted to 139 personnel of the hospital representing 2% of the total number of personnel of KFHSRC. The number of sample has been limited due to limitations of time and resources to conduct a larger number of sampling. Result showed majority of respondents believed on the validity of performance appraisal for rating performance. Survey shows training and development are needed by some respondents while some respondents do not understand their job responsibilities. Findings of the study can be used as references by the Human Resource Management in correcting deficiencies of performances and developing programs for development of personnel. A REVIEW OF THE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM AT KFSH&RC Introduction The King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center appraisal system has been developed by the hospital in 1988. It is a system based on the American Appraisal system that has been adopted by the hospital in 1975. The pros and cons of the present appraisal system of the hospital are reviewed to determine if there is a need to update or replace or the PAS totally. Chapter 1 of the study presents the overview of the KFSH&RC, the present performance system and its benefits. This section also presents a review of literature that includes the criticisms, studies and researches that argue about instituting new measures of performance evaluation of employees and gauging employee job satisfaction. Chapter II discusses the implementation of the re-engineering project for the human

Monday, July 22, 2019

Fathers and Sons - The Quarrel - Chapter 10 Essay Example for Free

Fathers and Sons The Quarrel Chapter 10 Essay Chapter ten begins with Arkady and Bazarov discussing Nikolai and his outdatedness, Nikolai consulting his brother Pavel about the same issue follows this. These two events barely fit into the same chapter as the quarrel that occurs next. Bazarov and Pavel have not gotten along since they met and share different views on basically everything. Pavel loathes Bazarovs nihilist attitude and Bazarov, being a nihilist doesnt care much for Pavels aristocratic nature either. They have both been burning to have an argument, especially Pavel who was just waiting for a spark to start a flame. When the conversation drifted to one of the neighboring landowners Pavel noticed his chance and uses this as a catalyst to start the conversation about nihilism and their different viewpoints. As the two men begin dueling it is noticeable how both seem to be trained advocates. Their questions are brief and their answers to the point and dont give away too much. Bazarov seems to not care less about what is happening whereas Pavel seems to be dripping with enthusiasm. Pavel acts as more of an interrogator than Bazarov and begins the argument by stating his opposing viewpoint of aristocratism which Bazarov mocks so plainly. Both men have their dignity at this point and although Pavel seems pressured not much tension is in the atmosphere. I do not share the same opinion, said Pavel igniting the debate. Bazarov then asks Pavel what can be proved about the supposed superiority of the aristocrats. Though Pavel does answer the challenge I feel Bazarov is trying to change the subject when he chooses to personalize the argument and begins to talk about what the point of all of Pavels trouble is. He implies that Pavel doesnt achieve anything in his life and so his aristocratic way of life has been a useless one with no progress. Although this is clearly personal to Pavel I dont feel as if Bazarov was purposely trying to attack Pavels life and ridicule it. Unsurprisingly Pavel is offended and retorts, losing some of his dignity. He makes another personal statement towards Bazarov saying that only ignorant or stupid people would live without the principals that aristocrats preach; he is directly implying that Bazarov is ignorant and stupid. This argument I feel was more of a personal statement made towards Bazarov rather than a good argument to debate over, however Bazarov retains his dignity and moves to another topic, naming a few words used in aristocracy and labeling them as utter nonsense. At this point I think Bazarov is winning the argument, as Pavel seems confused and temporarily overwhelmed by Bazarovs questions. But Pavel does do the right thing next by asking Bazarov what he feels should be done about the situation, but again Pavel adds another personal statement at the end of his argument saying that if Bazarovs views were put into effect the Russian people shall find ourselves beyond the pale of humanity, outside human laws. Next more of Pavels dignity is stolen as they describe to him exactly what a nihilist does and does not do. Turgenev clearly states that Pavel is overwhelmed by the definition of nihilism and what plans they have for Russia. In his view it is as if Pavel underestimated their ignorance. Bazarov says that at present time the most useful thing that can be done by the Russian people is to deny. To deny authority, principals, art, everything. I fail to understand how much can be gained by this, Bazarovs theory is that all that has been built must be destroyed in order to construct a new life which the people want. Although I feel Bazarov is running a better argument I dont agree with his philosophy and feel that instead of denying everything an attempt can be made at just trying to change what has been built instead of destroying it and reconstructing it from scratch. Pavel continues to lose his temper and his arguments get worse as he loses his dignity and begins acting childlike. To reply to Bazarov and Arkadys description of the Russian people he says No, no! I cant believe that you young men really know the Russian people, that you represent their needs and aspirations! No, the Russian people are not what you imagine them to be. They hold tradition sacred, they are a patriarchal people, they cannot live without faith . . . This sentence with its abundance of nos sounds very childlike and most of it seems as if Pavel is trying to tell himself rather than the others that what they say is not true. Bazarov still contains full dignity and as adultly as possible agrees to ease Pavel, but he still refuses to admit if he is wrong. Then he states that although Pavel may be right it still proves nothing. His next argument is basic, but effective, Pavel says that in that case Bazarov must be going against his own people and Bazarov replies with an analogy that implies that according to Pavel if the majority of the people do something utterly stupid he must do so as well. Pavel ignores the last argument made by Bazarov and instead chooses to retaliate by attacking Bazarov by saying he is not part of the Russian people after he opposes them in so many ways. Bazarov handles this argument simply by referring to the most Russian people he knows, the peasants, who have knowledge of the past peasants who have risen and become of higher status now. Bazarov, as we have seen earlier in the book, talks to the peasants and doesnt mind answering their questions and talking to them. Although he may look down on them and not think much of them he still treats them like people and so they will obviously support him on this one so Pavel made bad move by challenging how Russian Bazarov is as he has more to show for it than Pavel. But again I do feel that comparing Pavel to himself was unnecessary and just made the argument more personal again. There is a short break in the chapter as Nikolai stands up and tries to cool the two down asking them not to make this personal. He is a bit late. With Nikolais interference Pavel has a chance to compose himself and regain some of the dignity he had had before. They start to discuss nihilism once again with a cooler and less tense atmosphere. Bazarov gives another definition for nihilism, this time focusing more on their actions as a group. They then begin to talk about the strength of the nihilists, which Pavel is proved to have underestimated. I agree with Bazarovs view here that a large number is not needed, but rather a stronger faith or force in what they are doing as the truth to be stronger then a large number. Although slightly irrelevant Bazarovs analogy to a single candle burning down the whole of Moscow, I feel was a strong argument. Pavel seems to lose his dignity along with the argument as he again starts acting restless and angered. Pavel then loses all dignity when he starts to be sarcastic saying Bravo, bravo! and trying to make what Bazarov is saying foolish by pretending to acknowledge it. His loss of dignity is made clear with Bazarovs statement You have departed from your praiseworthy sense of personal dignity and with this Bazarov chooses to close the argument, but not without his closing sentence in which he asks Pavel to think of institutions where the aristocracy has had an outcome of no problems. Pavel attempts to name a few but is proven wrong by Bazarov for his attempts. Bazarov once again asks Pavel to take his time and think about it; with this he takes his leave and the discussion comes to an end. Bazarov is clearly a powerful advocate who can maintain his dignity even when he is criticized and although many people oppose his views he has managed to keep his views alive. Pavel, although a good attempt would make a weaker advocate, his weaknesses lie in his quick temper. Maintaining your cool is very important and Bazarov proved that, he left the argument with all his dignity and my vote as the winner whereas Pavel was left tongue-tied and labeled as the loser.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Application of Gas Chromatography in Pharmaceutical Analysis

Application of Gas Chromatography in Pharmaceutical Analysis Chromatography is a physical method of separation in which components to be separated are distributed between two phases, one of which is stationary phase while the other mobile phase move in a definite direction. The stationary phase may be a solid or a liquid supported on a solid or a gel. The mobile phase may be gaseous or liquid. The basis for gas chromatography separation is the distribution of a sample between two phases. one of these phases is a stationary bed of large surface area, and the other phase is a gas which percolates through the stationary bed. The physical state of the mobile phase distinguishes the fundamental type of a chromatographic separation. Liquid chromatography (LC), gas chromatography (GC) and super critical fluid chromatography (SFC) all named for the state of their respective mobile phases. The first person to chromatography was Tswett (1872-1919) the Russian chemist. He used chromatography from the Greek for colour chroma and write- graphein to describe his work on the separation of coloured plant pigments. Until 1930s chromatography in the form of thin-layer and ion-exchange chromatography became a regularly used technique. In 1940 development of partition chromatography and paper chromatography followed by the first disclosure of effective gas chromatography (GC) by Martin and his co-worker James in 1953. GC is a technique for separating volatile substances by percolating a gas stream over a stationary phase. It is a technique that revolutionized analytical chemistry. GC has been applied successfully to numerous compounds in variety of fields. Headspace GC has been used since the 1980s, but only recently has it become part of mainstream of pharmaceutical analysis. In this essay GC technical aspect and its application for pharmaceutical quantitative analysis has been explained. Moreover, the comparative advantage over other techniques and the disadvantage of using GC has been also discussed and reached on some conclusion. 2. Gas Chromatography 2.1 Technical Aspect In GC the components to be separated are carried through the column by an inert gas. Here the mobile phase is a gas, often nitrogen, but sometimes helium, hydrogen or occasionally another gas. It is called the carrier gas. GC is equipped with standard oven for temperature programming, split/split less injection ports and flame ionization detector. The sample mixture is partitioned between the carrier gas and a non volatile solvent (stationary phase ) supported on an inert size-graded solid. The solvent selectively retards the sample components, according to their distribution coefficient, until they form separate bands in the carrier gas. These component bands leave the column in the gas stream and are recorded as a function of time by a detector. This elution technique has the following advantages : The column is continuously regenerated by the inert gas phase. Usually the sample components are completely separated and mixed only with an inert gas making collection and quantitative determinations easy. The analysis time is very short. In general GC is a powerful and widely used technique for the separation, identification and quantitation of components in a mixture. In this technique a sample is converted to the vapor state and a flowing stream of carrier gas sweeps the sample into a thermally -controlled column. In GC the column is usually packed with solid particles that coated with a non-volatile solvent. Retention time is defined from injection of the sample to time a specific sample component is detected. After exiting the column the separated components are detected and a detector response is recorded. Polarity and boiling points of the components are also vital properties in GC separation. While polarity is the major factor governing separation; the boiling points of components of the sample also play a significant role in determining the retention time. Components with higher volatility have lower boiling point. 2.2 Advantages of GC 2.2.1. Speed The entire analysis is completed less than half an hours. The use of gas as the moving phase has the advantage of rapid equilibrium between the moving and stationary phases and allows high carrier gas velocities to be employed. Separations requiring only seconds have been reported, however, analysis time of minutes duration is more common in GC. Preparative scale separations, or resolution of wide-boiling complex samples may require hours. 2.2.2. Resolution The separation of some compounds such as methyl esters of stearic, oleic and linoleic acids by other techniques is extremely difficult or impossible. The boiling point differences are negligible in that the compounds vary only in degree of unsaturation. By using selective solvents, however, GC can provide resolution impossible by distillation or other techniques. 2.2.3. Qualitative Analysis The retention time in GC is that time from injection to peak maxima. This property is characteristic of the sample and the liquid phase at a given temperature. With proper flow and temperature control, it can be reproduced to within 1% and used to identify each peak. Several compounds has only one retention time. This retention time is not influenced by the presence of other components. 2.2.4. Quantitative Analysis The area peak produced for each on chromatogram is proportional to concentration of the peak in GC analysis. This can be used to determine the exact concentration of each component. Accuracy attainable with GC depends upon, detector, integration method and sample concentration. 2.2.5. Sensitivity A major reason for the extensive analytical application of GC is the sensitivity available. The simplest forms of thermal conductivity cells can determine down to 0.1 %.The flame detector easily sees parts per million, and the specific electron capture and phosphorus detectors can measure parts per billion. An advantage of this extreme sensitivity is the small size sample or micro liters of sample are sufficient for complete analysis. This is indeed trace analysis is also easily achieved. It is simple to operate and understand. Interpretation of the data obtained is also rapid and straight forward. The cost of GC is very low compared to the data obtained. 3. Application of GC in Pharmaceutical Analysis The major success of the application of GC in pharmaceutical quantitative analysis is firstly due to the very high efficiencies of separation power, secondly to the extreme sensitivity of the detection of even very small amounts of separated species and finally to the precision and accuracy of the data from quantitative analyses of very complex mixtures. GC analyses are also easy to automate from sample introduction to separation. Because of the above main advantages and its short analysis time and reliable results GC is used as quality control purposes in the pharmaceutical industry. In fact pharmaceutical analysis generally involves two steps; separation of the compound of interest and quantitation of the compounds. The better the separation the easier the quantitation. GC detectors have different responses to each compound. In order to determine quantitative amounts of various compounds in a separation the detector must be calibrated using standards. Standard solutions of sample a re injected and the detector response recorded. Comparison of the standard and sample retention times allows qualitative analysis of the sample. Comparison of the peak area of the standards with that of the sample allows quantitation of analyte. Due to this fact, GC is widely used as a routine analytical technique in pharmaceutical quantitative analysis mostly used in for the determination of organic volatile impurities and nicotine level during drugs formulation. 3.1. Determination of Organic Volatile Impurities by GC Organic Volatile impurities are residual solvents that are used in and are produced during the synthesis of drug substances, or in excipients used in the production of drug formulations. Many of these residual solvents generally cannot be completely removed by standard manufacturing processes or techniques and are left behind, preferably at low levels. Organic solvents such as acetone, ethyl acetate, isopropyl alcohol, methanol, tetrahydrofuran and toluene frequently used in pharmaceutical industry for the manufacturing of Active Pharmaceutical ingredients therefore ,in manufacturing drug substances and from one or more steps of the synthetic process, volatile solvents can be retained in the end products. Most of the time ethanol and acetone are used in the preparation of the polymeric coating of tablets. On other hand isopropyl alcohol is used in the crystallization of the active ingredient while ethyl acetate is a process solvent for the gel forming polymer. Low levels of these org anic solvents are inevitably present in the drug product even after drying process. These organic volatile residuals affect physiochemical properties of a drug, such as particle size, dissolution rate and stability, but also can present a serious potential health hazard. Very often these solvents, referred to as residual solvents, are carried to the pharmaceutical preparation concerned and making their determination very important. Therefore, GC is superior to other techniques for analysis of these residual solvents. It provide good retention and separation at low oven temperatures. Due to the above fact the content of residual organic solvents in pharmaceutical industry is routinely measured by GC technique. 3.2. Determination of Nicotine by GC Because of its rapid and accurate analytical result; GC is used to determine the nicotine level in pharmaceutical drugs formulation. GC applications in combination with other techniques are also vital in pharmaceutical industries for isolation and characterization of volatile compounds.Currently the use of GC in pharmaceutical quantitative analysis is very usual and include the analysis of samples of active pharmaceutical ingredients and their intermediates as well as in- process testing for residual solvents to optimize the drying process. 4. Discussion and Conclusion 4.1. Discussion The disadvantage of GC are that the components of the sample must be volatile at temperature at which they will not decompose. As there are more involatile materials than there are volatile, and volatility immediately places a serious limitation on the field of application. In addition to these GC is also strongly retained components travel very slowly, or in some cases do not move at all. However, this difficulty can be overcome by using temperature programming of the column to decrease elution time. Temperature programming is the increase of temperature during an analysis to provide a faster and more adaptable analysis. 4.2. Conclusion Even though, GC has a few limitation in field of application due to its high detector sensitivity and high resolving power it is generally used extensively in pharmaceutical industry both in research and quality control purposes.

Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Bleach

Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Bleach Household bleach is a common commodity used by all income groups of India. This is mainly because of hot and humid climatic condition which left us with no other choice than white or light colour daily wear clothes. To maintain personal hygiene and attractive look within the available budget it is necessary to use bleaches. One question which bothered me quite often was, when so many bleach brands are accessible, which one is the best to buy and this gave me the idea to frame my research question Investigating the cost-effectiveness of various brands of chlorine-based bleaches containing sodium hypochlorite accessible in Indian Market Thus to determine the usefulness and effectiveness of the bleaches, it was worth calculating the concentration of free chlorine per rupee (Indian currency) spent. The different bleaches were selected and the concentration of the free chlorine was calculated using iodometric titration. The cost per rupee was calculated and comparison was done using statistical tools. After necessary calculations and comparison, it was concluded that the most cost-effective bleach is local bleach. Local bleach has maximum concentration of free chlorine per rupee spent. Although the moles of free chlorine in local bleach is just 0.276mol/dm3 while in that of rin and robin are 0.68mol/dm3 and 0.588mol/dm3 respectively. But the local bleach is quite cheaper to other bleaches. It costs 30 rupees/dm3 while Robin costs 66 rupees/dm3 and Rin costs 80 rupees/dm3. The concentration of free chlorine per rupee spent on bleach is 0.0092mol/dm3 while that of Rin bleach and Robin bleach is 0.0085mol/dm3 and 0.0089mol/dm3. Thus, I conclude that Local Bleach brand is the most cost-effective brand among the three available in India. INTRODUCTION: 1.1 Background As climate of India is hot and humid, people prefer to dress in light or white colour cloth. To keep them clean is a necessity for hygiene. Hence it requires daily washing and using bleach as the light colour fabric expose the stains more easily. When used in approved quantity and right way, bleach removes the nasty stains from white color fabric and brings back the brightness. Looking into Indian economy, it is not possible to buy dresses in large number by masses . Thus easy way out is the use of bleaches. So when I started looking for a topic for my extended essay, my intensions were very clear. I was looking for an area for investigation which will help me to fulfill my requirement to do an essay for my diploma and give me the dual benefit to help my countrymen to choose a better and cost effective bleach which is affordable by them. I have collected the three bleaches which were having the maximum sale in the market , two were branded viz., Rin and Robin and one was a local brand usually purchased by lower income group people. Bleach is a chemical that removes colors or whitens, often via oxidation. Common chemical bleaches include household chlorine bleach, a solution of approximately 3-6% sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), and oxygen bleach, which contains hydrogen peroxide or a peroxide-releasing compound such as sodium perborate, sodium percarbonate, sodium persulfate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, or urea peroxide together with catalysts and activators, e.g., tetraacetylethylenediamine and/or sodium nonanoyloxybenzenesulfonate.[1] There are other types of bleaches as well for example bleaches which hare used for the bleaching of wood pulp, fats and oils, cellulose, flour, textiles, bee wax, skin etc. the commonly used bleach for this purpose is chlorine dioxide and in a number of other industries. In the food industry, some organic peroxides(benzoyl peroxide,etc.) and other agents (e.g., bromates) are used as flour bleaching and maturing agents. Peracetic acid and ozone are used in the manufacture of paper products, especially newsprint and white Kraft paper.[2] But my investigation is related to household bleach used for removal of stains , which usually contain chlorine, though it often masquerades behind aliases such as sodium hypochlorite or hypochlorite.[3] Household bleach, used to whiten fabrics or remove mold from surfaces, is a 5% solution of a stabilized form of chlorine.[4] It is particularly effective on cotton fiber, which stains easily but bleaches well. Usually 50 to 250 ml of bleach per load is recommended for a standard-size washer. The properties of household bleach that make it effective for removing stains also result in cumulative damage to organic fibers such as cotton, and the useful lifespan of these materials will be shortened with regular bleaching. The sodium hydroxide (NaOH) that is also found in household bleach (as noted later) causes fiber degradation as well. It is not volatile, and residual amounts of NaOH not rinsed out will continue slowly degrading organic fibers in the presence of humidity. For these reasons, if stains are localized, spot treatments should be considered whenever possible. With safety precautions, post-treatment with weak organic acids such as acetic acid (vinegar) will neutralize the NaOH, and volatilize the chlorine from residual hypochlorite. Old t-shirts and cotton sheets that rip easily demonstrate the cost s of laundering with household bleach. Hot water increases the activity of the bleach, owing to the thermal decomposition of hypochlorite which ultimately generates environmentally-undesirable chlorate.[5] Color in most dyes and pigments are produced by molecules, such as beta carotene, which contain chromophores. Chemical bleaches work in one of two ways: An oxidizing bleach works by breaking the chemical bonds that make up the chromophore. This changes the molecule into a different substance that either does not contain a chromophore, or contains a chromophore that does not absorb visible light. Reducing bleach works by converting double bonds in the chromophore into single bonds. This eliminates the ability of the chromophore to absorb visible light.[6] The chlorine based bleaches are oxidized bleach. These bleaches have an edge over reducing bleaches because they act as disinfectant as well. The process of bleaching can be summarized in the following set of chemical reactions: Cl2(aq) + H2O(l) H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) + HClO(aq) The H+ ion of the hypochlorous acid then dissolves into solution, and so the final result is effectively: Cl2 (aq) + H2O (l) 2H+ (aq) + Cl-(aq) + ClO-(aq) Hypochlorite tends to decompose into chloride and a highly reactive form of oxygen: ClO- Cl- +1/2 O2 This oxygen then reacts with organic substances to produce bleaching or antiseptic effects.[7] To begin my investigation I gathered information about brands of chlorine based bleach, its uses and its contents. From the information collected I found out that sodium hypochlorite is an active ingredient in bleaches. Sodium hypochlorite is the magical ingredient which removes stains from the clothes. So if I find out which bleach has the more concentration of sodium hypochlorite and is cheaper than other bleaches will be considered as the best bleach for Indian people. This observation led to my precise topic selection that is Investigating the cost-effectiveness of various brands of chlorine-based bleaches containing sodium hypochlorite accessible in Indian Market After selection of topic next obvious step was to find various methods available in literature and select for an appropriate method for the estimation of the sodium hypochlorite in the bleaches. Various methods available are discussed in the methodology section of my essay. The one I have selected is based on the fact that it is easy to do and also gives a fair estimation of the concentration of hypochlorite in the available laboratory conditions. 1.2 Methods to judge the cost effectiveness of Bleach Some of the methods available in literature for the estimation of concentration of sodium hypochlorite are discussed below: Method 1: One of the common methods is to add excess hydrogen peroxide to a measured amount of bleach. This will result in the formation of oxygen gas. The volume of the gas is collected over water and measured. This is then used to calculate the concentration of sodium hypochlorite in a house hold bleach sample. A few commercial bleaches in their containers, with prices, can be placed on a suitable tray, each with a 10 cm3 syringe and 250 cm3 beaker, both labeled, into which small samples of the bleach can be placed. Measure 5 cm3 of each bleach into their side-arm flask for each experiment. Small samples of the hydrogen peroxide solution could be collected in a 100 cm3 beaker. Bleaches liberate toxic chlorine gas on contact with acids. The chemical reaction involved is H2O2(aq) + NaOCl(aq) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ H2O(l) + NaCl(aq) + O2(g) Direct comparison of volume of oxygen collected in the measuring cylinder can be used to compare the effectiveness of the bleach.[8] Method 2: Spectophotometric method has also been employed for the quantitative estimation of sodium hypochlorite in commercially available bleach solution. The method is based directly on the absorbance of hypochlorite in alkaline aqueous media. The other method takes advantage of the quantitative reaction of hypochlorite and ammonia in alkaline solution to form chloramine, which has a higher molar absorptivity.[9] Method 3: Another most common laboratory method is IODOMETRIC TITRATION. We can determine the OCl- ion content of a bleaching solution by reacting a known mass or volume of the solution with excess reducing agent, such as iodide ion (I-) in an acidic solution. OCl- (aq, colorless) + 2I-(aq, colorless) + 2H3O+(aq) -> I2(aq, brown) + Cl-(aq, colorless) + 3H2O(l) The reaction above proceeds to completion. Visible evidence of reaction is the change in the appearance of the solution from colorless to brown, due to the formation of iodine (I2). In the presence of excess I- ion, the amount of I2 formed is a measure of the amount of OCl- ion reacting. Then we determine the amount of I2 formed by titrating the I2 with a standard sodium thiosulfate solution (Na2S2O3). The titration reaction for this experiment is shown in the equation below. I2 (aq, brown) + 2 S2O3-2(aq, colorless) > 2I ­- + 2S4O3-2(aq, colorless) Thiosulfate ion is a reducing agent that reacts quantitatively with I2. The titration reaction is complete when the I2 formed from the reaction of OCl ­Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ­- ion with I ­- ion is reconverted to I- ion by S2O3-2 ion. As the titration proceeds, the I2 concentration in the solution decreases. This causes the solution color to change from brown to pale yellow near the end of titration. The end point occurs when all the I2 has reacted and the solution is colorless. Because the change from yellow to colorless is not very distinct, establishing the end point of this final color change is difficult. We can make the end point more distinct by adding a small amount of starch solution to the titration mixture when the solution turns pale yellow. The unreacted I2 combines with the starch, forming a deep blue complex. The starch molecules tend to curl up into spirals and the hole formed is just the right size for the iodine molecules to fit in. Additional S2O3-2 ion reacts with the complex I2, causing a breakdown of the complex. Disappearance of the blue color signals the end point.[10] We can determine the concentration of OCl- ion in the solution. The moles of iodine in the solution are equal to moles of sodium hypochlorite. So then we can find out the concentration of OCl-. I have used the iodometric titration for my investigation because It is easy to carry it out in school laboratory conditions. Gas volume measurement often leads to more random errors in the measurements which ultimately affect the concentration calculations. Spectrophotometric methods are most reliable method but due to non availability of the instrument, I took the decision to stick to iodometric titration. 2. METHODOLOGY: 2.1 Hypothesis More the sodium thiosulfate used to titrate the solution more effective is the bleach at removing the stains. The bleach which has high concentration of sodium hypochlorite is better at removing stains then the bleach with less concentration of sodium hypochlorite. Based on Indian mentality, the expensive the bleach the better is it at removing the stains. The expensive brand should be more cost effective. 2.2 Selection of bleaches 3 different chlorine-based bleaches containing sodium hypochlorite which are easily available in Indian market. The first one is rin bleach which is thought to be the best bleach because it is expensive of all bleaches available in the market. It costs 40 Rs for 500 ml. The second bleach which I have taken is robin which costs 33 Rs for 500ml, a great competitor to RIN. And the third bleach which I have taken is bleach from a local brand which costs only 15Rs for 500ml. 2.3 Experiment 1 Make a soya bean solution using 17 grams of soyabean and dissolved up to 100 cm3 mark. Put three drops of the solution on a piece of cloth and using a syringe the amount of bleach required to remove the stain should be noted down. 2.4 Experiment 2 As told earlier I will be using titration with sodium thiosulfate for calculating the concentration of sodium thiosulfate in the bleaches. The method involves two main steps. Step 1: Standardizing the solution of sodium thiosulfate solution As sodium thiosulfate is not a primary standard, so it was standardized using a known concentration of potassium iodate KIO3 and the exact concentration of sodium thiosulfate was calculated. Approximately 8.00 ±0.01 grams of sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3 5H2O) was taken a 100 cm3 beaker and dissolved by adding small amount of double distilled water. It was stirred using a glass rod till it was completely dissolved. Solution was transferred to 250 cm3 of standard flask carefully using a funnel. Solution was made up to the mark and mixed well by tilting the flask three times. A solution of potassium iodate, KIO3 (0.2 Mole/dm3) was prepared by dissolving 10.7 ±0.01 grams of KIO3 in 100 cm3 beaker and dissolving it in minimum amount of water and making the solution in 250 cm3 standard flask. Further 25.0 ±0.06 cm3 of KIO3 solution is pipette out using a 25.0 ±0.06 cm3 pipette and a pipette filler and poured in standard measuring flask and solution was made 250 cm3 using distilled water. Preparation of 1 mol/dm3 of sulfuric acid Take 55cm3 of 98% pure sulphuric acid in 100cm3 measuring flask. Now slowly pour this acid into 500cm3 of constantly stirred water in a beaker Now transfer this solution into 1dm3 conical flask and add water till the 1dm3 mark. Preparation of 10% potassium iodide Take 10grams of potassium iodide Dissolve it in 100cm3 solution Preparation of 2%starch indicator Take 2grams of starch Add little bit of cold water until a smooth paste is obtained Add 100cm3 of boiling water and stir Heat the solution until the solution is clear 25.0 ±0.06 cm3 of KIO3 solution is pipette out using a 25.0 ±0.06 cm3 pipette and a pipette filler and poured in conical flask. 10.00 ±0.05 cm3 of potassium iodide (10% w/v) is added to the flask using a measuring cylinder. To this solution 10 .00 ±0.05 cm3 of sulfuric acid (1 mol/dm3) is added to the flask using another measuring cylinder. Sodium thiosulfate is filled in 50.00 ±0.05 cm3 burette and added to the conical flask containing KIO3, KI and H2SO4solution till the solution in the conical flask turned pale yellow. 2 to 3 drops of starch solution (1% w/v) was added to the conical flask. The solution turned blue black. More sodium thiosulfate was added to the conical flask with constant swirling till the solution turned colorless. The final volume of thiosulfate solution added is recorded Three concordant readings are taken to have consistency in the recorded data Step 2: Titration of the different brands of bleaches using standardized solution of sodium thiosulfate. Thus calculating the concentration of sodium hypochlorite present in different brands of bleaches. Procedure: I have taken 25.0 ±0.06cm3 of Rin bleach using a pipette and pipette filler into 250cm3 graduated flask. To this water was added to make the solution up to 250cm3 mark. 25.0 ±0.06cm3 of the solution poured with the help of pipette into a conical flask and the same procedure as given above was repeated with RIN bleach followed by the other two bleaches, Robin and local brand. 3. Data collection and processing: 3.1 Finding out the concentration of Sodium Thiosulfate Standardization of sodium thiosulfate: Volume of potassium iodate taken in conical flask = 25.0 ±0.06 cm3 final burette reading / cm3 ±0.05cm3 20.10 19.90 20.00 initial burette reading / cm3 ±0.05cm3 0.00 0.00 0.00 volume of sodium thiosulfate used / cm3 ±0.1cm3 20.10 19.90 20.00 Average volume of sodium thiosulfate used = 20.00 cm3 Calculations: 25.0 cm3 of KIO3 solution required 20.00 cm3 of Sodium thiosulfate. The ionic equation related to the titration is IO3-1 + 5I-1 + 6H+  ® 3I2 + 3H2O The I2 produced by the reaction between iodate ion and iodide ion is related stoichiometrically to thiosulfate ion as follows I2 + 2S2O32-  ® S4O62- + 2I-1 Moles of KIO3 (0.1 Mol/dm3) in diluted solution = 0.01 mol/dm3 Moles of 0.01 mol/dm3 KIO3 in 25 cm3 of solution = 0.01 x 25 x 10-3 = 0.25 x10-3 Ratio of moles of KIO3: I2 1 : 5 So moles of I2 in solution = 5 x 1 x 0.25 x10-3 = 1.25 x10-3 Ratio of moles of I2 : S2O32- 1 : 2 Therefore moles of thiosulfate = 2 x 1 x 1.25 x10-3 = 2.50 x 10-3 20.00 cm3 of thiosulfate solution has 2.50 x 10-3 moles Therefore the concentration of thiosulfate solution = 2.50 x 10-3 x 103/20.00 = 0.125 mol/dm3 3.2 collection T value for the t- test between RIN and ROBIN is 36.83644 This value is a lot higher than the cut off value (2.31. using degrees of freedom= [n1-1] + [n2-1] = 8) at a 5% significance level. This implies that there is lot lesser than .1% chance that the 2sets of readings belong to one population or the difference is just difference is insignificant. 3.3 Calculation 25.0 cm3 of diluted Rin brand bleach solution required 27.8 cm3 of Sodium thiosulfate. Moles of sodium thiosulphate= Moles of iodine, I2, were present in the conical flask after the bleach reacted with an excess of iodide ions 2S2O32-(aq) + I2(aq) S4O62-(aq) + 2I-(aq) Moles of I2 = moles of sodium thiosulphate à · 2 Moles of I2 = 0.00348 à · 2 Moles of I2 = 0.0017 moles 1 mol of iodine is displaced by 1 mol of free chlorine. Cl 2(aq) + 2I-(aq) 2Cl-(aq) + I2 (aq) The free chlorine concentration, in mol dm-3, of the bleach RIN 1 mole iodine = 1 mole of free chlorine à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚ ´25cm3 of diluted bleach solution contains 0.0017 moles of chlorine Therefore the undiluted bleach solution of 25 cm3 would contain .017 moles Concentration of iodine in 500 cm3 of RIN bleach solution is Therefore the concentration is 0.34mol/500cm3 of RIN bleach. Therefore the concentration is 0.68mol/dm3. 25.0 cm3 of diluted Robin brand bleach solution required 23.53 cm3 of Sodium thiosulfate. Moles of sodium thiosulphate= Moles of iodine, I2, were present in the conical flask after the bleach reacted with an excess of iodide ions 2S2O32-(aq) + I2(aq) S4O62-(aq) + 2I-(aq) Moles of I2 = moles of sodium thiosulphate à · 2 Moles of I2 = 0.00294 à · 2 Moles of I2 = 0.00147 moles 1 mol of iodine is displaced by 1 mol of free chlorine. Cl 2(aq) + 2I-(aq) 2Cl-(aq) + I2 (aq) The free chlorine concentration, in mol dm-3, of the bleach RIN 1 mole iodine = 1 mole of free chlorine à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚ ´25cm3 of dilute bleach solution contains 0.00147 moles of chlorine Concentration of iodine in 500 cm3 of Robin bleach solution is Therefore the concentration is 0.294 mol/500cm3 of Robin bleach. Therefore the concentration is 0.588mol/dm3. 25.0 cm3 of diluted LOCAL brand bleach solution required 11.07 cm3 of Sodium thiosulfate. Moles of sodium thiosulphate= Moles of iodine, I2, were present in the conical flask after the bleach reacted with an excess of iodide ions 2S2O32-(aq) + I2(aq) S4O62-(aq) + 2I-(aq) Moles of I2 = moles of sodium thiosulphate à · 2 Moles of I2 = à · 2 Moles of I2 = 0.00069 moles 1 mol of iodine is displaced by 1 mol of free chlorine. Cl 2(aq) + 2I-(aq) 2Cl-(aq) + I2 (aq) The free chlorine concentration, in mol dm-3, of the bleach RIN 1 mole iodine = 1 mole of free chlorine à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã‚ ´25cm3 of diluted bleach solution contains 0.00069 moles of chlorine Concentration of iodine in 500 cm3 of Local bleach solution is Therefore the concentration is 0.138mol/500cm3 of RIN bleach. Therefore the concentration is 0.276mol/dm3. 3.4 analysis and interpretation Calculating the cost-effectiveness BRAND RIN ROBIN LOCAL Concentration of free chlorine (mol/dm3) 0.68 0.588 0.276 Price of 500cm3 bleach in rupees 40 33 15 Price of 1dm3 bleach (=price of 500cm3ÃÆ'-2) in rupees 80 66 30 Concentration of free chlorine per rupee spent on bleach (=concentration of free chlorine in 1dm3 bleach/price of 1 dm3 bleach) 0.0085 0.0089 0.0092 Matrix 1 It can be seen from the experiment 1 higher amounts of bleach is used to remove the stain as we move from RIN to ROBIN to the local brand. And as it can also be seen from the histogram above (graph 1) that the free chlorine concentration decreases as we move from RIN to ROBIN to the local brand it can be inferred that higher the concentration lesser is the amount of bleach required. How so ever the amount of free chlorine required is nearly the same 4. Conclusion: 4.1 Results The free chlorine concentration per rupee spent is maximum of local brand bleach. Therefore the local bleach is most cost-effective bleach. The local brand bleach over takes other branded bleaches like RIN and Robin which are very famous in Indian market. There is a very small difference between each of them when we calculate the concentration of free chlorine per rupee spent. But when we see the concentration of free chlorine in rin and robin they are quite higher then local brand. Local brand has very less moles of sodium hypochlorite per dm3 of the bleach. So the volume required to remove a stain by local brand bleach would be quite large then the volume required of rin or robin brand bleach. This can give a wrong impression that the other brands are better or more efficient at removing stain. But we know that it isnt so. Only if higher amounts of the local brands were used the same stain would take lesser money to be removed. This proves the Indian mentality. Resolved questions Is the amount of sodium thiosulfate used proportional to the amount of free chlorine atoms- Yes very much. It can be inferred by comparing graph 1 (or matrix 1) and graph 2 Does the concentration of sodium hypochlorite affect the effectiveness of the bleach- Higher the concentration of sodium hypochlorite more is the effectiveness of the bleach. Inferred from graph 1 (or matrix 1) and table 1 Checking the Indian mentality- It depends on the amount of bleach used. But it can easily be inferred that the local brand is a lot more cost efficient Deriving the cost effectiveness of different brands of bleach Hypothesis 1 and 2 were confirmed to be true via experimentation while the other two hypotheses (namely 3 and 4) are proved to be wrong. Evaluation Weaknesses It isnt very easy to note down the point of the end of the titration. Accuracy can tend to pose a problem The distil water can have other salts present Improvements Colorimetry should be used for knowing the end point More accurate burettes can be used Ultra pure water should be used rather than distilled water 4.2 Extension The other method should be used. A more number of brands should be used. Other active ingredients should be tested for. Biologically active organisms like bacterias should also be considered. The activity of the other active substances should be tested. 5. BIBLOGRAPHY: Field, Simon Q (2006). Ingredients Bleach. Science Toys. Retrieved 2006-03-02.,253,EX.html Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, volume 59, issue 8, pages 1168, 1170 Other Sources Referred: Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level May/June 2006 paper Handbook of detergents, Volume 5 By Uri Tsoler, Guy Broze. Pages 621-627

Saturday, July 20, 2019

An Analysis of the Fast Moving Consumer Product Industry and a Review of Kao Corporation :: Business Marketing Japan Essays

An Analysis of the Fast Moving Consumer Product Industry and a Review of Kao Corporation Executive Summary In this project, I have chosen the Fast Moving Consumer Product industry as the topic of study. First of all we will take a brief look at how the industry started in the late 19th century as soap making companies and slowly evolving into some of the most successful multidomestic company of today. Following we will have insight on the industry’s prominent characteristics and highlight some of the major players. We will also get an idea of the attractiveness of the industry through the use of Porter’s 5 forces industrial analysis. Included in this project is an in-depth review of Kao Corporation, Japan. Kao Corporation is one of the major players in the industry. Here we will take a look at how the Japanese based company employs strategies to reduce cost and at the same time differentiate its product from its competitors to gain competitive advantage. We will also examine some of the key financial ratios to aid us in identifying some of the company’s strength and weaknesses. Then a SWOT analysis is carried out on the company. From the SWOT analysis we can formulate suitable strategies in order to improve the performance of the company. By closely examining the company’s internal environment to better understand the company’s capabilities and limitations and then analysing the changes in the external environment that could affect the company favourably or adversely, appropriate strategies can be formed in order to ensure high performance of the company. Then finally we will look at other po ssible recommendation, which I believe would help improve the company’s performance in the competitive fast moving consumer products industry. Fast Moving Consumer Product Industrial Brief Fast Moving Consumer Product are products that consumer would use regularly. The product line of Fast Moving Consumer Products encompasses a wide range of products such as shampoo, body foam and facial wash. These products are classified as fast moving due to the nature of its usage and durability. While shampoos are non-perishables, the consumer would eventually finish utilizing it and would require to purchase another bottle of shampoo. Therefore, unlike products like television and radios which consumers would only buy once in a blue moon, Fast Moving Consumer Products are bought constantly from time to time by consumers. The Fast Moving Consumer Product Industry has evolving since the 19th century.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Knight and the Cart Essay -- essays research papers

The Knight of the Cart By the end of eleventh century, Western Europe had experienced a powerful cultural revival. The flourish of New towns provided a place for exchange of commerce and flow of knowledge and ideas. Universities, which replaced monasteries as centers of learning, poured urbanized knowledge into society. New technological advances and economics transformations provided the means for building magnificent architectures. These developments were representative of the mental and behavioral transformations that the medieval world underwent and the new relationships that were brought about between men, women and society in the twelfth century. As in technology, science, and scholasticism, Literature was also reborn with a new theme.3 Very different from traditional writings of the past was the new flourish of troubadour poetry. Troubadour poetry, derived of courtly romances, focused on the idea of unrequited love. â€Å"A young man of the knightly class loved a lady†, most often, â€Å"the lady was married to the young man’s lord†. The courtly lover would compose highly lyrical and erotic poems in honor of his lady, and the troubadour was filled with rapture even at the slightest kindness that the lady might offer him.3 This new literary artifice provides us clues to the cultural changes that took place in medieval Europe during this time. Of the many writers of courtly romance, the most distinguished literature can be found in the work of Chretien de Troyes. Troyes was a native of Eastern Champagne and most of his career was spent the court of Marie de Champagne. He was the inventor of Arthurian literature and the first to speak of Camelot, and write adventures of the Grail. He may even have been the first to sing the tragic love of Tristan and Isolde. One of Chretein de Troyes’ works, Chevalier de la Charette (The Knight of the Cart) expresses the doctrines of courtly love in its most developed form. The plot of this story is believed to have been given to him by Marie of Champagne and has been called â€Å"the perfect romance† for its portrayal of Queen Guinevere’s affair with Lancelot of the Lake.1 The elements of courtly love operate at several levels simultaneously in The Knight of the Cart; they are expressed by the behaviors of Lancelot, Queen Guinevere, Meleagant and other characters in the story. Two vividly deployed elements are the concepts of loyalt... ...e’s heavenly elevation. In addition, Lancelot literally sacrifices himself for her, when he finds out mistakenly that she has died, he tries to kill him self. Guinevere is portrayed as a divinely creature. Only she had the power to save Lancelot and soothe his agony and pain. Lancelot reaffirming her alleviating power, begs Guinevere to allow him to go to her: â€Å"If you grant me permission, my way is clear. But if my scheme does not suit you, then the way is so difficult for me that my entry is impossible." Once she permits him to enter "†¦Lancelot had every wish †¦.as he held [Guinevere] in his arms†¦ greatest joy and pleasure,† confirming that his salvation was in her hands.2 When all the courtly love elements that flow through The Knight of the Cart are composed, in addition to a tale of love affair between Queen Guinevere and Lancelot of the Lake, a document revealing the enchanting history of the Twelfth Century Renaissance is created. Troyes, our powerful storyteller, was able to do this by taking us on a journey with Lancelot, not only though his exciting battles to Guinevere but, through his passionate and enamored thoughts and behaviors that yearns for his beloved.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Applying the Background and Methodology of the Research Process

Jonathan HoffsuemmerA serious problem seen by nurse practitioners that work in rural areas is teen pregnancy. A peer-reviewed research paper published by The Journal for Nurse Practitioners entitled â€Å"Who Will Listen? Rural Teen Pregnancy Reflections.† There are both medical and social concerns that occur with teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy statistic shows that teen mothers give birth to premature babies with low birth weight. The social aspect is teen mothers do not complete high school and lives in poverty. These situations rank high in abuse and neglect with teen parents.Definition of the ProblemRural areas show the highest rate of teen pregnancy compared to state rates, which produces a problem that researchers are questioning why this rate is higher in the rural areas. The Theory of Adolescent Sexual Decision Making (TASDM) is the basis this research was conducted to resolve. This theory has two main objectives that include the risk-promoting environments teens experi ence and exposure to risky situation that create the situations teens use to justify sexual behavior (Weiss, 2012).The problem with teen pregnancy produces premature birth and low birth weight in the babies. A medical problem with teen pregnancy is the medical expenses incurred with both teenager and infant. These statistics indicate that teen pregnancy result from family with no insurance and no means to pay the medical expenses teen pregnancy incurs. The social problem teen pregnancy presents are that teen mothers tend not finish high school. Teen pregnancy results in low income rates, the need for higher public assistance, poor educational, behavioral, and health problem in children.Study PurposeThe purpose of the study is to understand the decision-making of teens and why teen pregnancy is higher in the rural areas of the country. The TASDM theory indicates that environment promotes the situation of peer influences, substance use, and media influences (Weiss, 2012). The study wi ll focus on the thought process of teens as to why teens make the choice become sexually activity and risk the consequence of becoming pregnant.Research QuestionThe researchers are studying the question of why teen pregnancy is higher in rural areas. Teen pregnancy occurs because of the lack of prevention that teens do not use and why teens make these types of decisions. The essay directions were for students to indicating if the teens thought there was a teen pregnancy problem in the community (Weiss, 2012). The researchers’ directions were only one question to determine the thought processes of both male and female teens regarding teen pregnancy.HypothesisThe study does not state a hypothesis, but strives to understand why there is a higher rate of teen pregnancies in rural areas. The study will evaluate the difference between boys and girls views about teen pregnancy. The study only has one main focus, but the study derives different variables of the hypothesis. The study reviews the thoughts as to how teens perceive sex as good, bad, or ambivalent.Study VariablesThe two variables in the study are independent and dependent variables. The independent variables in the study are the essays that the students wrote defining their views about teen pregnancy in rural areas. The dependent variables are the reasons teen pregnancies occur, which include the idea of  whether sexual activity is good or bad. The study reviews the conception teens have of sexual activities, which studies the prevalence regarding beliefs, consequences to actions, and consequences to others (Weiss, 2012).Conceptual Model or Theoretical FrameworkThis study uses the theoretical framework for the study. The theoretical perspective of study analyzes the answers obtained from participates against the Theory of Adolescent Sexual Decision Making theories. These theories measure the decision-making teens use in determining the risk of teen pregnancy. The theoretical framework weights the consequences associated with the risks and how teenage boys and girls perceive teen pregnancy. These perceptions that teens are reporting in the study are weighted against the two ground theories of risk-promoting environments and risky sexual behavior. â€Å"Using constant comparative methods, the data were analyzed using the MAX Qualitative Data Analysis © software† (Weiss, 2012, p. 805).Review of LiteratureThe literature review of the article addresses the issues of low parental guidance as a significant factor to teen making risky behavior decisions. The fact that rural areas indicate that teens view there is nothing much to do is a contributing factor to teen pregnancy. The education regarding sexual behavior and prevention methods were noted to be lacking in the rural areas. This factor indicates that financial support to provide for after school programs contributes to the notation that there is nothing to do for teens. This is a contributing factor to the higher rat e of teen pregnancy in rural communities.Study DesignThe study design was conducted in Florida involving 125 10th grade students. These students consisted of both male and female from age 15 to 17. The students were from an English class and were asked to write an essay on if they thought teen pregnancy was a problem in their community. The teens  wrote the essay during an English class in high school. This study was conducted with the approval of the institutional review board, teacher, and administrator.

Catcher in the Rye Song

The bird tenor prate, by Coldplay is to the highest degree ascertain confused ab disclose life, especiall(a)y almost the future, and needing to blab with somebody well-nigh it in order to thwart all the worries and concerns and fears taboo in the open, and hopefully try to traffic pattern out a solution to them. It is ilk a conversation between dickens people, wiz the person needing help, and the other the advisor. In states, pronounce me how you sense of smell.. well I feel like theyre lambasting in a language I weart speak. This nisus relates to Holden because its closely the forlornness and depression of Holden.The tone of this yell is lonesomeness and isolation. The mood it puts me in is lonely, heartbroken and depressed. The symbol for this melody approximately Holden is the cherry-red assume because when he puts it on, he feels safe and clear ups him feel happier. This song is saying if you blab to soul virtually what your going done therefore yo u forget feel better and get by things easier. I animadvert the red hat symbols this song because when Holden puts in on he feels protected and in the song it saying to talk to someone and experience a friend there to make you feel protected and cares for you.In the song, it states, When Holden is trying to arrange people Youll tell anyone who will get a line except you feel ignored nonhings in truth making any sense at all, is like when Holden is always trying to tell people about himself or about what he thinks about, but no one seems to care and Holden feels like hes being ignored. For example, when he talks about the ducks in central park, the taxi device driver refuses to talk to him about it, calling him stupid. The form of address its self says a mint about Holden already.The title of this song is Talk, which is something Holden doesnt do much and much(prenominal) do more of. He likes to obtain things to himself and when he does talk, people ignore him and think h e is weird. Holden doesnt like to talk to other people about what hes going through because he feels like they wont care so he doesnt talk about anything and I feel like Holden should talk to people about what hes going through so he could have feel like hes cared for and to get advice and have a someone to guide him to the right direction.When the song says, theyre talking a language I dont speak its about how Holden feels so unplug from everyone else. He felt like everyone was a fake throughout the novel and that he couldnt relate to anyone. The music is very relax and mellow and makes me feel empty inner(a) and when they sing, they say the lyrics very slowly and calm. The let loose is about all the possibilities that life holds, and all the things that we nooky achieve.In the song is says, you could climb a ladder up to the sun, or preserve a song nobody had sung, or do something thats never been done. This song is also talking about his decedent brother, saying how he is scared about the future because he has been in and out of schools so many times it will definitely affect him. This song is about the sadness felt at not having his brother around to give him advice during a difficult time in his life. Its unfeignedly sad and emotional and the guitar riffs emphasize the fear and strong emotion.I can relate to this song. Its intelligibly about trying desperately to talk to someone about something but they can never speak of whats on their forefront because they can never get through to anyone, so they keep their feelings to themselves. The main source of this song is no matter what we do in life, we never do it alone. I think this song is about losing someone you really care about and determination a way to talk but cant get through to them through spirit. It seems to be a song about not relating to the rest of the world, and inquire what the future holds.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


The hail totaled septet lives and millions of dollars. The disaster could have been subverted, however, if o scarce the several mechanical heads that had noniced an routine with the rings had stepped f award, despite administrative squash to continue with the launch, and brought public eaten Zion to the masterblem. A multitude of opposite much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) disarticulated of polite structures, technologies such as cars and trains, and rase the batteries of computers and phones, capable of causing harmful explosions, whole attain infringements of peoples basic rectify to life, and thus presents a leg l and ethical predicament.All engineers receive dickens at least devil democratic all in ally knowledge of standard trope processes and expectments, and the capacity to apply their knowledge toward nation the creation of novel technologies and innovations. These two things assign as expert pr property, which is an intangible item that is sec ured via the powers of reasoning of an individual (AH in 50).While approximately engineers, such as maestro engineers, atomic number 18 credit for their intellectual pr property, it is inbred that all engineers credited thusly, blush at the cost Of their employer, as it pro totes their autonomy 2 and therefore creativity, lowers cost of procuring headmaster engineers to SE al and clear projects , and finally, holds engineers to the highest standard of ethical profess Somalis by exposing the promulgators of shoddy engineering to the examination of the military man at giving. Companies, when hiring engineers to create technologies, often pressure the SE potential hires into signing cover version agreements.These contracts force innovators to forfeit al I of their intellectual and creative output to companies. As Keith Warren, a licensed pro E ginger, states, a technology come with could labor the rights Of an invention Of a baa rubber sauce if it so suits them (Warren). Some would press that this provides complete haveer ship provides inducement to companies allow employees more creative license. The partnership notify pro flout from any and all of their employee approximations either selling the patent or investing in the barbeques productive capabilities it follows that they piddle more freedom to their novo dative members.Also, as Keith Warren, states, all customers and employers of engineers provide t he engineers with sources to conduct research, so it would seem bonnie that engineers o offer in supercede the profit to be made of of their ideas and technologies (Warren). channelises been fit in that they are not necessary to go through an intensive ordinal licensing process to become e professional engineers (who are indeed held in person amenable for any flaw in their w ark, and not for an innovation), as the company will be held responsible for a problem that went unrecogni izzard by an employee.Finally, this discourages ind ividuals from patenting or otherwise CLC aiming ideas that hey lack the capabilities to fabricate it. This, as Koch States, causes an sills_Jew for companies and even other engineers by obligating them to curse the originality of their prod cut periodically end-to-end the design process using pricey search engines, and even prevent Eng or so technologies 3 from being moneymaking(prenominal)ly available, as they have been patented by humiliated indeed pendents that refuse to yield their rights to the idea (327). Coercing creative engineers to remain silent closely their ideas can stifle create mercy and even hinder the process of innovation.On a individual level, the engineer receives I backing to no credit for their contributions (Warren). While, as nine-fold ethical reckons attest, engineers should be first responsible for actions that can impact public willingness as approval of t he commercial readiness of a technology, the recognition of their intellectual property s hould also apply to their proclaim innovations and inventions (Code of Ethics). Enabling creators to pick out t heir ideas incentives the creation of rightfully original products, for instance, the Apple com putter, the telescope, all created by individuals unattached to large firms.Breakthrough technologies often require extensive resources that sleepyhead individuals are unable to procure, so e engineers currently have two possessively an progressive design, patent it, and by default via pop assessing such well-grounded power, hinder its production and benefit to orderliness by firms with the resource s or become use by a firm, attempting to create and fabricate such innovations plot of ground e remaining constricted by the firms own main objectives and directives (Koch 327).Further remorse, firms often confine breakthrough tech oenology a secret for a part, seeking a release time that will forge the most commercial gain collectible to market price level and other fact ors. This halts the pr ogress of technology. If alternatively engineers retained some creative rights to their products, while firm s with the resources hold reproductive rights, a reciprocally beneficial partnership is available that en abeles maximum freedom for both parties. Firms are not constrained by a patent to the individual al, and engineers can prepare intellectual property at will.The spry profit of companies is not diminished. Corporate want will occur only in the advanced autonomy of the engineer put down ensemble for 4 highhanded products, and possible combative bids from other companies t o don on such a moral force employee. This loss is overridden by the enhanced tycoon of corporate e entities to recognize such individuals and seek them for projects, and the government to employ such individuals for public projects that demand acuity in refining structures that c loud in keep mum public welfare.The law mandates that companies must fight back the approval o f a Professional Engineer for any of their engineer and design projects in order for the project to become e eligible for rejection. (Warren). This sealing involves a peppiness reviewing the designs, calculate ions, and technologies created by unlicensed engineers employed by an industrial .NET TTY.Because the majority of engineers that survey for such entities are unlicensed, they are not r jugulate by the National baseball club of Engineers and state law to be held personally accountable for their evaluations of a contribute, and have not undergone the rigorous training for licenser (Warren , Ethical Codes). Thus, federal official legislation mandates that a PEP fleck over a technology sooner it is released. This is a costly practice, and could easily be foregone if all engineers were required to produce at least basal licenser via a less vigorous process than PEP, but nonetheless remain regular De by a national organization such as NSP.Finally, engineers should be directly credited for their intellectual OUtPUt in AP proving or disapproving civil projects. This prevents shoddy work from engineers employ De by large companies, that straight off have little to lose, blanketed by namelessness as they are underneath a large firms name, for small mistakes such the exit of a small ring deficiency, the t might build to a large and pervasive civil problem (Warren). many an(prenominal) engineers must battle with conflicting evoke allegiance to the public good and their melodramatically whew n bound by 5 agreements that prohibit their divergence in thought process from a company.Some ethical codes acknowledge this conflict, such as that Of the National Society Of Professional Engineers (Code of Ethics). However, ethical codes themselves, while meant to clarify a course o f action to take when such conflicts occur, often themselves conflict (Eligible and Davis 7 This dilemma is solved if companies cannot take direct credit for an engineers work, and en gi ngers intellectual property is in turn attributed to the engineer in question.Companies still poss. sees ownership of the idea of having the sole right to produce it within a intractable number of years, but acknowledge and even provide royalties to the creator of the technology. Litton Engineering, a f roomer workplace of Keith Warrens, exemplifies this concept by providing ample royalties and eve n the efficacy to patent intellectual property to their employees (Warren). The contention Disc steer occurred after an engineer, appeal to an administrator with qualms concerning the rings, w as told to come up like a manager, not an engineer (Eligible and Heinz 4).The engineer was a c annotator with NASA, instead of a PEP that would be held to scrutiny by the NAPES and the pull ICC for the oversight. Thus, no careers were needs imperiled by the disaster (Ware n). Notable failures of civic architecture such as dyad collapse can have be prevented if engineers careers are stake, i nstead of companys stock, which can recover more easily. The lack of some r ejaculating agency ND formalized code of ethics in those days could be partially attributed for the see problems (Christie 98).It is thereby essential that some national agency, with a global code of teeth CSS, regulate all registered and therefore employable engineers. By having a public and private e visibleness that promotes interest in innovation and accountability, engineers can benefit fro m recognition that they pass through sound ethical and innovative practice, while being penal zed for malpractice. 6 The conflicting allegiances that engineers often face, to their sponsor, client o r company, and to heir own interior moral compass, will be eliminated, as the company is oblige Ted to maintain an open profile of all works.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

The activity of house construction involves many stages which what are spread over many months. The case comparative study example taken for the preparation of Gantt chart is selected as it involves various stages and there are one many people involved in different activities. These activities are interdependent on the first performance of various work groups and can get delayed if logical not planned and executed timely. Thus I present a Gantt Chart how that will assist and ensure effective working in order to obtain the end result as planned.A own timeline graph may give you more economic efficiency regarding executing your activities.Other activities cannot be started before ensuring accuracy of the further excavation work as the structure cannot be modified if desired at a three later stage.Hence activity B , RCC cannot start before 100 % completion of activity A. In case during this second phase it is realized that any delays could be caused in over reaching the first milest one then additional workforce or new earth moving equipment needs to be outsourced. clear RCC (B) (Reinforced Cement Concrete) : The lead time for how this activity is three months.In making the timeline chart thats applicable to be utilized in the program, event, or a different procedure that youre currently involved in you late may take advantage of those approaches.

Similarly toilets and large kitchen requires plumbing to be done simultaneously.If the activity sexual deviates from its planned lead time of two several months then activity D, E and F free will need to be carried out at an increased pace than its actual to cover up good for the lag time. Electrical (D)and Plumbing (E) These stages can be executed simultaneously as they are not interdependent on each other . Once these are complete we empty can move on to the next stage.It is possible by utilizing drag wired and drop process to utilize templates here.Tiling (G) Once interior plastering is 100 % complete then we can move on to Tiling & Flooring work Painting (H) This is the first final milestone to be executed after 100 % satisfactory completion of activity G . Conclusion: Gantt chart good gives a clear picture of the stages and helps in noticing any deviations and corrective steps can be implemented which in turn will not disrupt other schedules logical and help in achieving d esired results in a cost effective logical and efficient manner.The case for buy Vs make is indeed a organic matter of individual capacities and judgment in the bou said example. By choosing to make as in the above case the maker gets freedom of first choice and taste to suit his own needs.This former Gantt chart templates can help you do that.

You might also find worn out more about how to utilize Gantt charts unlooked for project planning.Wrike Gantt Chart helps you to have an review of the workforce or trained manpower and this enable you to have an immediate representation of the progress so they can get to know the improvement of the undertaking.Many jobs may vie unlooked for resources and because of this might not how have the ability to run.The project doesnt have to be on a massive scale.

Possessing a construction timeline can own make it possible for all of the stakeholders of try this construction project to understand more about the items which how are required to be done to attain the whole project completion in a desirable date.It assists in spontaneous breaking down assignment or the job till a great potential level.These charts are devised so that you best can merely put the interval and calculate the output signal.Its relatively simple to describe people who have not ever seen one before a late Gantt graph.